About Me

Hi my name is Kaan Divringi. I love being curious about the world around me. I feel like it's magic using programming to interact with our technological world. I'm part time wizarding in my engineering job but I'm open to full time wizarding.

I'm working as a Mechanical Engineer doing high end simulations using Ansys. I've also programmed for fun since high school. It's always been in my free time and I've done everything from website, smartphone apps and GUI software. I recently completed a Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree. I wrote a software package Any2Ans that couples ANSYS and Anybody software. I've recently written a paid extension for ANSYS called Simulation Notebook that brings the sophisticated data analysis tools that I've learned to FEA simulations.

Don't forget to check out My Portfolio while you're here.

I am also on LinkedIn and Github